
Friday, July 29, 2005

This whole money thing is making me sick....

My stomach hurts every day now. I am so tired of being financially stressed, tired of it to the point where I want to run screaming and tearing my hair out, only that won't fix anything. I am sick of begging relatives for loans. I am sick of worrying each time I buy food for my family that I'll get overdrawn - again - at the bank. M may or may not have a job interview in the next week - please, if you read this, keep you fingers crossed for us. I know it's not entirely his fault he doesn't have a job right now as there are very few jobs around here, but I am exhausted emotionally from being the only one earning any money, especially when they just cut everyone's hours at work. I do think he could try harder to find a job, even something temporary, just to get us through this. He is the one that really wanted to move here, away from a busier, more affluent community where we could both work and my mom could help out with childcare when our schedules overlapped. We don't have that here. I don't trust people I don't know with my kids, so we have to work opposing shifts if he ever gets a job.

I am so worn out....

On another un-cheerful note (if you've read this far I'm sorry for my dismal point-of-view today), I've been wondering lately about the overall importance of environmentally-related decisions I make... just the little day-to-day stuff. You know, like buying recycled (preferably 80% post-consumer waste) toilet paper. Eating vegetarian , unlike the rest of my family (which means making two main dishes some days), recycling everything I can, using animal-and-planet friendly products... it all costs more. Sometimes I wish I didn't care, that I could be one of those people who just buys whatever there is, whatever is the cheapest, like that gross ground beef sold in big tubes. Then I think about the other side - yes, it costs more and it takes more effort, but I am doing something positive. I think my kids are healthier than many. I get a little boost even from remembering my canvas bags when I go to the grocery store.

Why does it take more money and effort to do the right thing for the world we live in?

1 comment:

  1. also check out and, just for inspiration re: possibility of online art sales. it seems like it might be a good avenue for you, being somewhat physically isolated but having such a great creative talent. i'm guessing it would take awhile to get connections and regulars, build a little reputation, and wouldnt make you rich for sure, but might be a good way to bring in a little money and keep yourself pruducing creatively. just a thought, anyway.


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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