
Thursday, June 15, 2006

I just got offered

my dream job. Seriously! Part-time (16-20 hours a week), totally flexible hours, good pay... working for the American Heart Association! I get to start in my official capacity as soon as all the background check stuff is done. This is too cool - I didn't even have to apply. Sometimes being a temp pays off! I'll be the Administrative Assistant to the Corporate Events Director. This means that in the fall, I'll be able to drop C.O. off at school, pick him up, do the same for C.J. with preschool, and actually take 2-3 classes two afternoons a week! I will eventually earn my degree.

On top of that, M finally got a call from a school district, which has placed him in their top 15 candidates for a custodian position, which pays really well. He'll interview the week after next.

Things are finally falling into place!

1 comment:

  1. wonderful news!! Sounds like it will work out perfectly! Enjoy!


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