
Monday, July 17, 2006

Okay, adding one thing to the curriculum...

that I plan to buy or otherwise find - a phonics program. I am debating between 3 - Explode the Code, Alpha-Phonics, and Phonics Pathways. The kids are doing some phonics with my mom already, so this will tie in nicely, plus C.O. really wants to learn how to read. I read all the reviews at Amazon before settling down to these three, and believe me, that took a while! Now, choosing which to start with/try... well, I think I need to see if the local library has any of these, so I can actually see them before spending money I already don't have. Other than that, I am making a list of odds and ends we need for our home "school", like crayons, pencils, etc. Might as well start stocking up now! There's actually a school supply store about a mile from my house that I really want to check out. I remember going there as a kid, with my dad, who was a high school chemistry & physics teacher. I need to print up calendar pages for my record-keeping and planning stuff too.

I really, really thought about unschooling, but try as I might, it just doesn't sit on me comfortably. I want to know where my kids would fit into the school system should they choose to go later on. Maybe I am just paranoid, or overly worrisome, but that's just how I am.

1 comment:

  1. Reviewed ETC 4 u on my blog... sorry, 1 handed


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