
Wednesday, August 9, 2006

I guess I was wrong...

about how my dad would react to homeschooling. Background first - when we mentioned it years ago, he seemed okay with it. Maybe he thought we weren't serious? Anyhow, now he's really against it. Gave me an earful yesterday about all these articles he's read that show how homeschooled students fail compared to their public school counterparts, academically and socially. I wonder who came up with these "studies"? Perhaps the public school system? It just made me angry, and more determined than ever to go ahead with my plans.

C.O. starts soccer tomorrow! I took him to buy shoes, shingards and socks last night - a relatively simple task that ended up taking over 3 hours at 5 stores. One store had only one pair of cleats his size, for $45! I ended up spending less than $30 total at another store, and got nicer stuff. C.O. is definately excited, but a little nervous!

My "final" interview is tomorrow. I'm not nervous now, but I bet I will be then. M's interview yesterday went really well apparently - they put his application into "recommended" status, and he should hear back within a week. Still no word on what's happening at the AHA for me, so I will continue to look elsewhere.

Pathways called and said they recieved our application, and will let us know if we will be coming in for the family interview, if there's even enough space at the school right now. If not, I am throwing myself into the absolute fun of planning out my own curricula for the kids, as you can see from my just-updated sidebar.

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