
Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Schooling & work updates...

I'll start with work - I had an interview a couple of days ago with the local Office of Education for an admin support position. Apparently, it went well, because I go back next week for a final interview, with the director! I'm really excited about this - it's very part-time (15 hours weekly, all in 3 hour earlyish am shifts), working in the Special Ed dept., so I'd still be doing work that is beneficial. I would get to help facilitate workshops a couple of mornings a week, which is cool. On the downside, because it is so part-time, it won't quite cover my half of our expenses, so I am looking at a second job too, with a school district as a 2-evening-a-week adult education center secretary. Best of all, even with these two jobs, I won't be gone from home all that much!

School - I have finally reached a decision I feel at peace with. I will go ahead and enroll C.O. in the charter school homeschooling program for his kindergarten year. That way, when I send a letter to the public school, I can actually honestly say he's enrolled in another school. Also, it will give me a support system for his first "real" year of homeschooling, and I'll learn a lot about record-keeping, lesson planning, etc. Then, for first grade on, unless we love the charter school, we'll homeschool as a private school. M is comfortable with this idea too, which is obviuosly important.

Speaking of M, he turned in two more applications last week, so keep your fingers crossed for him!

I did write my mom a really long email, with links to articles, the charter school, etc., explaining why we want to homeschool, and that C.O. will be adequately socialized. So, I am just waiting for any response, hopefully positive.

1 comment:

  1. Job is sounding good, best wishes. And I think your decision about school is the right one and excellent. GOod luck with both and I am sure you will see it will work out well once things get rolling.


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