
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The day before yesterday, yesterday & today...

Monday: Day off from C.O.'s art class, so he spent the morning playing with Play-Doh. I've finally gotten the kids to stay at the kitchen table while playing with it. He flew through another math lesson when I got home from work, and then worked a bit on HM Phonics while C.J. colored a maze. After that, we went to C.O.'s first gymnastics class, which he loved! He had to climb a rope, do some work on bars, and some balance beam work. He said it's way more fun than soccer. Then C.J. had gymnastics, which she still adores. She did a lot of balance beam work. The other girls were goofing off and amazingly, C.J. behaved, so she got an extra couple of minutes on the trampoline! They couldn't wait to get home to show off to M. Now, as long as I can keep squeezing out the money for this!

Yesterday: We started working on housecleaning for Thanksgiving. The kids played with Play-Doh while I did dishes, scrubbed countertops and mopped the floor. There's still a few final things to be done, but at least I got a good start on it all! Then we read a Babar story, a Thanksgiving story, and talked about what we're thankful for. C.O. is thankful for HotWheels, RC airplanes, and Legos. C.J. is thankful for the color pink, cats, dirt/sand and stories. I'm glad my kids have their priorities straight! Then we did some math, and both kids practiced counting out loud to 100. We also worked on pictures for pen pals.

Today: Other than story-time, we are taking the day off educationally speaking (well, except I have class tonight). We're going to bake the pies today (apple for tomorrow, pumpkin for Friday), finish folding the huge clean laundry pile, vacuum, etc.



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