
Thursday, November 9, 2006

Scratch yesterday... AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!

So I picked up the SUV - new alternator, new battery, over $500 in work. Drove it to the store to pick up salad stuff, and then we were going to get family tree supplies, but no. We came out of the store, and got in, turned the key and... NOTHING. The starter (which I knew was on it's last legs so to speak) gave out. Triple A came out and got it started again, but the guy told me "don't turn it off until you get to the mechanic". Two hours and a bunch of money later, I again have my vehicle, and FINALLY it runs! While I am very glad to have it back in working order, the money bit completely sucks, and the whole afternoon was spent waiting (for the tow truck, for the work to be done). I got home just in time to throw together dinner for the kids, then I had to head off to class.
Today should be better though! I have the afternoon with the kids, then we have soccer practice (I think), but an hour earlier than usual due to the recent time change, then we'll have the whole evening. So, tomorrow's plans will be done today, I hope. Tomorrow I have the day off (yippee!!!) so I figure we'll get lessons done in the morning before heading off to a playgroup at a park.
Oh, I asked C.O what he'd like to study next since we're finishing up with fall stuff (by Thanksgiving), and he said "insects", so I am going to follow up on a recommendation from a friend and rent Microcosmos for him (thanks Jenny!).

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