
Friday, February 2, 2007

So much fun...

The tea party Wednesday was loads of fun! I thought all the kids handled the good manners bit quite well, especially the host! After tea, we went to the park for a while - one we had never been to before, as I believe it is fairly new. Lots of exciting play equipment, which everyone enjoyed. It was a bit chilly, but I am always glad to get my two outside for some fresh air and good play time. C.O. had an incredible amount of fun playing with the other boy (the tea party host), and C.J. played well both with the other 2 girls and on her own a bit. It was really hard to get them to go home - they wanted to stay and play with the other kids forever! I got to talk with other moms which was nice - I am getting better at not feeling like an awkward moron all the time. I also got to look through the SOTW Activity Book, which actually has a lot of great ideas in it! I may tweak a few things here and there, as always, but I ordered an unrevised copy for $9. I also borrowed some outer space software, which we'll have to try out tonight.

We've been a little lax on bookwork this week. As his math has gotten progrssively more involved, I've decided to stop having C.O. do both sides of every lesson (the 2nd side is intended as "homework") unless I feel strongly that he needs the review. He's putting together a lot more sounds on his own too, trying to read unfamiliar words, which is fantastic to see. C.J. is now singing almost the entire alphabet, almost. I also got a huge compliment from my mom. If you read older posts I wrote, you might remember that no one on my side of the family was supportive of homeschooling. Anyhow, my mom told me recently that she's really impressed with how well C.O. is doing and with how much work it must take me to keep it up! That was really nice to hear after all the early questioning/doubting.

I've been working diligently on my homework - got caught up last night thanks to my mom taking the kids for the night. I have also been working on figuring out easier ways to keep up on housework. FlyLady never worked for me - too many darn emails. I had a couple of online friends send me their housekeeping master plans, and I designed my own! Now if I can just keep up with it....

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I thought I was the "awkward moron" there. ;) Funny how you can have that perception of yourself and yet it doesn't come through at all. At least I hope mine doesn't come through as much as I feel it!

    That's GREAT that your mom is coming around. When I first started reading your blog she was a big thorn in your side about it. :(

    One last thing... would you mind sharing that master housekeeping plan with me?


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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