
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Taking a day off...

After running late everywhere today (seriously late), we decided to take a day off from lessons - we'll make it up Saturday. Altogether it was not a great day. I have one whiny coworker (older woman) who drives me crazy, and today was one of her prime days for making me nuts ("Could you clean out the coffee pots today? I would, but my hand hurts."... "Can you fill the paper in the copier?"... "While you were filling the paper the phone rang and now I think there's a message." [why couldn't she pick it up?!?]) AAARRRGGGHHHH! Anyhow, then I got M to work 10 minutes late, because said co-worker needed to ask me about bladder infections; went to the gas station where all the debit machines were down for 10 minutes, and finally picked up C.O. from his enrichment class half an hour late, finding out when I got there that a bigger boy had pushed him into a puddle during free play time, and he was soaking from the waist down. Went home, changed C.O. into something a bit drier, missed a rental showing, picked up my mom for her dr's appointment, and so on, and on, and on. I am honestly really glad the day is over, and I'm heading off to bed in a few minutes.

In other news, my baby will be FOUR in just a few days. Suddenly she's hit that stage where they do a lot of growing up (emotionally/mentally) overnight. She can cook, run a VCR and DVD player, use the computer, do some basic math, etc. She's just growing up so quickly. Luckily she's still a bit shy, and very cuddly, so she is still my baby. Tomorrow she's helping me make cupcakes for a park gathering, then we'll have her birthday party for family on Sunday. Saturday, I'm taking her out for a girls-only lunch, and to maybe get her ears pierced. She's also decided that it's high time she that she "does homeschool" just like C.O., so she sits down, very seriously, at the kitchen table/living room/wherever, and demands more schoolwork. She's developing beautiful handwriting, which I was a bit nervous about since I am not familiar with left-handedness.

Okay, enough rambling for one long day.

1 comment:

  1. First off, sorry you had such a rough day. I hate days like that. :(

    Secondly... Happy almost Birthday, C.J.!!!!!!! Weather-permitting we will be at the park. If it's raining, is there an alternative plan? We wouldn't want to miss her special day. :)


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