
Saturday, June 30, 2007


I survived the last week! Now I am down to one job, and I'll admit, one class. I dropped my psychology class (online), because I really, really dislike the way the professer grades, and the textbooks (which honestly seem to have more to do with human biology than psych). He grades written responses to his questions 60% word count, and only 40% quality of writing. I'm sorry, but I really think it should be the other way around. Anyone can add a lot of useless mumbo jumbo to their writing (including myself), but can they write clearly? Concisely? I am spending part of this wonderful, and much needed, weekend off working on my demonstration speech for next week, but the public speaking teacher is good, so I'm keeping that class, even with my fears of talking in front of people.

The kids drew some beautiful pictures for me this week, and C.O. painted a nice portrait of his daddy. I found my copy of BFG by Roald Dahl. so we're going to start reading that tonight. I always loved that book as a kid. After that we'll read James and the Giant Peach. I get a little more time with them this next week, which will be so nice! I just have to keep reminding myself that it's only for 6 weeks, and then life will be back to normal!

I have a secret! Should I tell you? It's a BIG amazing thing that will change a lot of things for us. Hmmmmm......


  1. TELL, TELL, TELL!!! That's SO not fair.

    LOL about your mother's birthday. The following weekend was actually my date of choice, but DH's cousin is getting married that day. And the Saturday before is the HS pool party, so we are stuck with Sunday. But yes, it will be the afternoon. I'm still debating whether it will be a full on bbq or not and where to have it...

    But back to you, lol, glad you're feeling less stressed.

  2. Oh, do tell!!!! LOL


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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