
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I am now a classroom volunteer...

Just for an hour early Wednesday afternoons. On Wednesdays, Elf has 45 minutes of Spanish and an hour (more or less) of art. Well, today Fairy was invited by Elf's IST to join the art class, so while Elf was in Spanish we went off to feed ducks and then headed back to find out that the mom that had coordinated the project-of-the-day idea had decided to do something else, so the IST asked me if I would be willing to supervise the finger-painting station. It was soooo much fun! There are only about 12-14 kids in the class, in grades K-2, so I only had 2-3 kids at the table at a time. Such nice kids overall too! The IST asked me if I would be available on future Wednesdays, and let me know that Fairy is always welcome in her classes. I asked Elf what he thought of me being in his class each week, and he said "Mommy, I'd love it!", so classroom volunteer I am! This is great because the IST said she would sign a form for the college I'm transferring to so that I have credit towards the 120 hours of classroom service I need before entering the teacher credentialing program in another 2 years.

Speaking of his classes, he is friends with several other boys, and a couple of girls, that are in his blended class, so I was excited for Fairy today when the new kindergarten girl asked Fairy to play at break time, sat next to her at circle time, and worked with her at the coloring station. They're really close in age and have a lot in common (right down to the silver hoop earrings). Makes Fairy really feel a part of the class.

In other news, the manager of the good store is "very excited to welcome me on board". Haven't even had my second interview yet, so that's pretty good! I won't get the new store a mile away as too many of their already-hired employees transferred there, but I'll work just across town, and yes, I'll likely earn a little more, plus it's just a way cooler store. I also got my midterm grades - a solid B in algebra (yaaaay!!!) and satisfactory (no letter grade yet) in the other 2 classes. Phew!

Schoolwise, we've just been plugging along. Elf is whizzing through math, and Fairy is doing well with handwriting and phonics, except that she tends to write her name completely backwards, letters and all. Is that normal for a left-handed kid developing writing skills? Elf never did it, so it's new to me. At least she has all the right letters, in the right order if you read right to left or in a mirror. We started our apple mummification project, with slices of untreated apples as the control factor, and we're going to make mummy dolls with sarcophagi in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. That is EXACTLY the way my Cassia writes her name too!! I think it's just that being left-handed, she wants to start on the right side of the page and write towards the left. So she forms the letters correctly, just in the wrong direction - hence the mirror writing. If I can get her to start writing on the right side of the page, then she does just fine except for the occasional "Cazzia" from writing her s's backwards.

    Congrats on the job! See you tomorrow. :)


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