
Monday, October 8, 2007

I don't know if we should...

do any sit-down lessons when I'm sick. I've had this cold for nine awful days now, and it just won't budge, plus I think I'm anemic again, which just doesn't help. Lessons today were an awful combination of Elf fidgeting (his true talent) and me getting angry. I probably should have just stopped for the day, but I really want to stay somewhat on track, and when I feel that stubborn about something I have a hard time backing off!

Anyhow, we did accomplish something. He made three letter & color patterns with his name for math that turned out to be pretty neat. He did another page of math practically on his own. He finished the third lesson in ETC and got 100% on his spelling test! Plus he finally did a writing exercise for his charter school, where each child was given two pictures and had to choose one to write about, in whatever words they wanted, with their own spelling, grammar, etc. His is short, but he did it! Phew. I'm just glad it's over. I do have to say though that both are working hard in gymnastics. I'm beginning to really see progress in both of them.

We did a make-up session on Sunday, since I've been sick and therefore completely unmotivated, where he did beautifully, as did Fairy. They listened, did the work without complaint, and did it well... I was hoping today would be a repeat of that! I read Chapter 3 in SOTW (we're making flour-based "clay" tablets tomorrow) while the kids colored their Egyptian scribe pictures, did a few pages of math, handwriting and ETC, and Fairy worked really hard on her Code book, plus we caught up on science by reading about "Animals of the Coniferous Forest" while Elf colored a grey wolf picture and Fairy colored a (blue) snowshoe rabbit (printouts courtesy of Enchanted Learning). It was nice!

Well, maybe tomorrow will be better. I'm off to bed in a few minutes, with yet another cup of Throat Coat tea so I won't cough so much tonight. Jenny, if you read this, is there a Friday park day this week? I'm totally confused, because I thought it was going weekly, but the newsletter doesn't mention that... and we missed the last one. Of course, I could easily be mistaken!


  1. Aw, sorry you're sick. I'm sick again too. :P What is up with me being sick more than the kids have been? Don't worry about falling behind, pretty soon you'll be caught up with us in SOTW - we're only on Chapter 5, lol.

    Park day is technically still only every other week. Katie doesn't want to *have to* be there every week in case new people show up. But there is a small group of us who have said that we will be going every week regardless of what the official days are. I guess it's like a secret meeting only for those in the know, lol.

  2. LOL, Jenny. We also have an official homeschool group park day, but then there's a small group of us that meet regularly at one another's houses because we SO need the time together.

    And, awwwwwww, G, I hope you feel better soon.



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