
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Plugging along...

Today was a lot better. We started out with Meeting Books, which both kids willingly brought up to date. Fairy recited the days of the week in order, which she was very proud of because Elf still has trouble with this! Then Fairy completed a Halloween counting worksheet, even writing the numbers herself instead of having me write them so she can trace them, and Elf did a drill page on addition, and a regular worksheet with fractions and word problems. In ETC, Elf finished Lesson 4, except for the spelling test I plan on giving him tomorrow, while Fairy worked diligently on "m" sounds. Elf then read a Bob book aloud, I read one of Aesop's fables, and we finished by re-reading Chapter 3 in SOTW, and then made clay tablets:

This project was lots of fun - we ended up using some clay I had on hand, but it's not the bake-able kind, so they made other things out of the tablets afterwards:

In the background, you can see my ever-so-lovely wallpaper (which I have started removing, although M thinks it now looks even worse with a bare patch on one wall). We're planning to have it stripped and repainted well before Christmas.... I hope.

Oh, I also added a new link to my curriculum in the sidebar - Book Lists.


  1. 1. Love that last picture of Cassia!

    2. Fractions? Already?

    3. The lovely wallpaper was actually the first thing I noticed when I opened your blog, lol.

    4. Did you know the link for Cyrus's curriculum says 1st & Pre-K? K & Pre-K, I get... but 1st & Pre-K?

  2. Nevermind!! I just realized those were plans for last year's K & Pre-K and this year's 1st and Another Pre-K year. LOL, sorry!


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