
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Well, I think today helped make up for the last few, school-wise that is! We sat down to do lessons at about 11 and worked through to about 2, with a couple of breaks in there for playtime, running and the ever-popular jumping jacks.

We started with our Saxon meeting books, and then Elf did 2 pages in math - one regular work sheet, with a word problem, fractions, telling time, counting money, and double-digit adding (no carrying or borrowing though), plus a drill sheet on some basic addition. Fairy did a math worksheet where she matched groups of objects to their numbers and traced the numbers, plus she spent some time playing with various manipulatives, and I worked with her on counting.

After that (and break #1), we moved onto ETC and GRfTC. Elf got halfway through Lesson 6, by himself, before getting tired of it, and Fairy did 6 pages in her book, with minimal assistance (basically I read the directions and let her do all the work). Break # 2, and we checked in on our apple slices. The mummified ones are very light and dry now, while the "control" apple slices are getting pretty gross - slimy, dark brown... good thing they're in Ziploc bags! We finished up with a few pages in Maps, Globes, Graphs for Elf, on how people alter their environments, with Fairy looking on. Then we had lunch and watched a documentary on the ancient wonders of Egypt.

So, I call that a very good school day! We also spent 15 minutes, approximately, reading a Curious George story aloud, and Elf read We Are Singing to me. Definately a productive day, and I don't know if it's because we took a few days off, or the breaks, but for once there was no whining! With Elf's progress through ETC today, I know he can read better than he lets on. He read all the silly sentences to himself, chuckling the whole time, and got all the right answers. I guess he just needs to keep building his reading confidence?

1 comment:

  1. I say it's the lack of whining. ;) Time off is never good for us, I've noticed. It always takes so long to get back in the groove and then it's a big "but whhhyyyy" fight every day. :P


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