
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sort of a weekly wrap-up...

Ummm... we really didn't do much of anything this week. Ooops. With work, Christmas shopping/planning, and my finals, etc., it was a busy week. We did finish lesson 8 in ETC and did 3 math lessons, plus Elf spent a bunch of time on Timez Attack (3's this week, which he is still working on mastering). That's really, unfortunately, about it.

I am still planning on being evil and doing some science (anatomy) and history (Mesopotamia) over the next couple of weeks of "vacation". It's not really evil if your kids love and ask for it though, is it? I also found this website (British) that relates to our history unit studies, so I may cull some further resources from that.

This week is our week of frenzy! It's busy at work (gotta love holiday retail), so I have more hours than normal. We have company coming this afternoon (so I had better get busy finishing cleaning soon), company on Christmas Eve (my dad, sister and brother), and then MIL will be here for Christmas Day, along with the kids' great-great uncle. Tonight, after company leaves, we're making cookies, and decorating them. I have to run to the store to get a couple of picture frames sometime today. Plus I still have to shop for Christmas dinner, though not today.

Well, in case I don't make it back before then... Happy Holidays!

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