
Friday, May 23, 2008

Weekly Report...

Been a while since I've posted one of these, but they really help me keep on track! So here's a brief rundown of this week....

Language Arts:
the Elf:
Read aloud, of his own free will, each night before bed. Currently favorite: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
Copywork is up to three sentences at a time - we were still at one just a few weeks ago
Almost done with ETC 3

the Fairy:
Lots of alphabet singing
Practiced writing alphabet in lower and uppercase
Lots of starfall letter activities

We are finishing up Charlotte's Web and I plan to read Farmer Boy out loud next, as we have been very busy in the garden lately, and the Elf keeps saying he wants to be a farmer.

the Elf:
Up to lesson 94 in Saxon Math 2 now. We plan to finish this in the fall, then work out of a different book for most of 2nd grade. He's doing multiplication, word problems, telling time, fractions and more at this point.

the Fairy:
Review of numbers 1-10, starting work on 11-15. I use a lot of learning page printouts with her.

We are working our way through a unit on Ancient Greece. We read 2 chapters in SOTW, and looked at Greek art online. We made togas this week out of sheets... so what if they were orange and bright green... ;) I dug out my copy of Classical Kids: An Activity Guide to Daily Life in Ancient Greece, etc. for next week - I think we'll try mosaics!

We are reading about protazoa in RS4K. Elf has spent a lot of time using his microscope since Wednesday (it was a birthday gift). Both kids help out a lot in the garden - all our beans and lemon cucumbers are sprouting! Elf is still very interested in birds and has spent a fair amount of time watching them. Fairy collected, and set free, about 20 ladybugs this week.

Wednesday we took the day off, mostly, due to a birthday.
The kids finished up their charter school classes this week, so we're done with art, Spanish and music until fall.
Elf has built approximately 8 million Lego creations in the last 2 days!
Fairy has been in a difficult mood all week - hope it ends soon.


  1. Looks like a great week!

  2. We LOVED Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. OMG, the kids made me read that one about thirty times, lol.

  3. We've read those Pigeon books a lot too -- they're cute and the Pigeon is so fun to draw! Our family also enjoyed using Classical Kids (for the 2nd time) this past year.
    Lee (from the WTM board)
    PS Love the blog name!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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