
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our final choices for 2008-09...

I am finally content with my choices!

For the Elf, Second Grade
Oak Meadow 2
supplemented with....
Explode the Code 3 (then maybe 3 1/2 or 4)
Houghton Mifflin Math Steps 2 (instead of OM math)
HM Reading Anthologies, 2nd grade

For the Fairy, Kindergarten
Oak Meadow Kindergarten
supplemented with....
Letter of the Week
Saxon Math 1, first half (instead of OM math)
Handwriting Without Tears, Letters & Numbers for Me

For both
Homemade World Cultures Units
Nature Studies
Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry, pre-level 1
Spanish, music & art classes at the charter school
4-H (cooking, historical crafts)
Bed/Lunchtime read-alouds from this list


  1. Hi - I was wondering if you know whether or not oak meadows or Charolotte Mason is based on a classical education model? I too am in the search for the perfect curriculum. I am wanting a classical education with a waldorf approach - any suggestions? Thanks

  2. I'd say Charlotte Mason is closer to classical. Oak Meadow is, at least in the early grades, more Waldorf.


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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