
Thursday, November 13, 2008

A stitch and other fun...

Last Sunday, we definately hit a milestone, or marker of some sort - the Fairy's first emergency room trip for an injury (she went to the ER once before when she had RSV at the age of 7 months). Anyhow, we have a lovely, waist-high (on me) chain link fence out in front. I was gardening, and she and the Elf were chasing each other. She slammed the metal gate, and it came back and slammed into her. Right through her upper lip...

So, off to the ER we went, as she was bleeding everywhere. the Elf came along, and brought his library book, Danny & the Dinosaur, in case we had a long wait. They saw her within 5 minutes of arriving though, and she was very brave! Thankfully, she only had to get one stitch, which can come out on Saturday. We also learned that unlike me, and her brother, she does not seem to have a penicillin allergy, though the pharmacist warned me it could show up in the future. After our hospital trip, the Elf announced he wants to be a "people doctor", while the Fairy is still set on being an "animal doctor". I can see lots of college financial aid in those futures!

Let's see, what else? We had a meeting with our resource teacher this week. the Elf read aloud from the aforementioned library book to her, and she declared it the best he has ever done! He has a huge tendancy to fidget so much while reading aloud that it distracts him from reading, so a while ago the resource teacher suggested giving him an object like one of those squeeze balls, or a balloon filled with flour, to fidget with. He chose a sand-filled lizard toy, and while I was skeptical, it really has helped with his distraction level.

And just for fun, here is a picture of our lovely red living room wall:

Don't mind the clutter!


  1. Egad, stitches! Or rather, "stitch." I'm so glad that it wasn't worse. Phew.

    : ) regarding the reading.

    And I love your wall!

  2. Poor baby!! I've only had 1 with stitches, and that was so dreadfully traumatic FOR ME that my husband had to stay with him.

    Love your red living room! I have a red kitchen and bedroom.

  3. that boat looks fantastic on the red.


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