
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I love Amazon....

Just pre-ordered this book. I am so excited! Of course, I have months to wait...

Other than that, I am still working on my blog. Had to remove my booklist for now as it wouldn't display properly. And I have a massive cold, so it takes me a long time to do anything that takes thinking.


  1. Is this title being re-released? When I read it I got it from my library--was it no longer in print or something? The Amazon listing isn't indicating that it is a new, updated release--why is is a "pre-order?"

    (Don't worry about replying until you are well!)

  2. Yes, it's being re-released, in May. All updated and everything. I've never owned a copy - only gotten old ones from the library, so it is pretty exciting to me!

  3. I'm psyched about this too. The timing is perfect for getting an updated version since U-Kid 1 is "officially" starting 1st grade next September. I can't wait to comb through this new one (yeah, i need to get out more, huh?)

    happy weekend!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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