
Monday, January 19, 2009

Annual angst...

As always this time of year, I am looking ahead to next year and trying to figure out curriculum. Do I continue with Oak Meadow, even though for us it means a fair amount of supplementing/substituting at this point? Do I write my own, as I did with science and social studies this year? So, I am putting books I may like to use on hold at the library. I am making a list of Oak Meadow's pros and cons. I am re-reading my Charlotte Mason books and The Well Trained Mind.

I do know what I plan to definately keep at this point... Saxon Math works really well for us, and Explode the Code has been good for both kids. I really like Houghton Mifflin's Spelling & Vocabulary - Phonics in Action for first grade too. Handwriting Without Tears has always been good too, and I plan on introducing the Elf to cursive next fall.

I think my main problem in planning is that I feel like I am jumping off a cliff if I just piece together my own stuff, you know?


  1. I know, I'm with you. I supplement a lot with OM. Saxon Math, The Well-Trained Mind phonics program (ordinary parent's guide), Handwriting Without Tears. I really love these three programs. But I also love OM. They provide so many helpful tips and ideas, and I'm not as nervous that I'm just "winging" it. But it looks like you do a lot of independent planning already, so I'm sure you'd be fine without it. Tough choice!! I'm sure you'll make the right one for you. :)

  2. Lots of supplementing here, too. Love OM and it is our "spine" for everything, but I find it needs a lot to be Canadian enough for us. :)

    Love Saxon math, too. Don't make the mistake that I did -- switching and switching. We're back with Saxon for 2 years now and math is one of ds' fave subjects again.

    I'm still sticking with OM for a spine because it offers a methodology and a freedom that no other curriculum has ever offered us.

  3. Always happy to hear what's working for folks out there. We've had lots of success with OPG and are working our way through Saxon 1. Have you checked out ETC Online? You can get it through

    Thanks for posting what's working for you. Always helpful to newbies like me!


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