
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I cannot believe how fast summer is going by! We'll start up our academic year in about 4 weeks - I think I am (mostly) prepared. I do need to purchase the average supplies - crayons, pencils, etc., since we always seem to be running out of, or at least low on, those items. I finally, finally, after much thought and, I'll admit, a lot of dithering, decided on science for our upcoming year... we are going to use Milestones in Science along with supplemental reading and worksheets from edhelper. This will work out very well for us as M can do the projects with them, and I can handle the reading/worksheets.

My school year starts a bit sooner than theirs. I have a class in Children's Literature (which sounds awesome) starting on the 17th, and then I start back up with my degree completion program on the 29th. So, 13 units again this semester, which is manageable. I decided to halt my job search for the moment, and stick with evenings at my current place of employment. This is for a few reasons... 1. health insurance - my entire family has medical, dental & vision at no cost to us; 2. I can have the days to work with the kids, take them to classes and on field trips, etc.; and 3. I would have to piece together other jobs to keep my income at its current level. It IS only for another year and a half, at which point I will have my BA and can do substitute teaching instead while I work on either getting my teaching credential or find an internship. How I will teach and homeschool at the same time remains to be determined, though I am sure that somewhere out there someone else has managed to do this! I still hope that I can find a position as an IST for other homeschooled families.

In other news, my front yard renovation is coming along nicely. I now have 3 big rocks for focal points, and a fountain, and all my plants are flourishing. I need to find a good supplier for a better range of herbs since I am turning it into one big herb garden, with some flowers. I plan to have culinary, medicinal, and aromatic herbal plantings out there, all of which are fairly easy to maintain. In the backyard, our melons are coming along nicely, and the squash and cucumbers are really taking off. The tomatoes are ripening and delicious.

We have been listening to the third installment in A Series of Unfortunate Events, and reading Little Grey Rabbit stories, which I remember fondly from childhood. Elf is writing a story about a knight version of himself on the computer. Both he and Fairy have been busy with art lately, as well as rock collecting, and Fairy's incessant preoccupation with creating mud. We checked out a couple of dance studios yesterday and decided to go with the smaller, newer one, at least for now - Elf wants to try tap dancing, and we found a mixed tap-jazz-ballet class for Fairy... she's debating that versus straight ballet training. I think the opportunity to try different approaches could be a lot of fun for her, though it does mean 3 types of shoes! We chose the studio we did because we liked the director, and the class times are good for my schedule.

So there's an update! Hope all is going well for anyone who reads this!

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