
Thursday, February 11, 2010

American History...

List under construction

Many of these titles (and the order) came from A Book in Time. Others come from Sonlight lists and Beautiful Feet's website. And others just from searching Amazon!

We're using Mara L. Pratt's four-volume set, American History Stories, as our spine, and will add in from the following lists as we feel needed.

FOR VOLUME 1, Discovery to French-Indian War
Books to Read
Leif the Lucky (in combination with D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths)
Eyewitness: Viking
You Wouldn't Want to be a Viking Explorer!
Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Chistopher Columbus (may have Elf read this himself)
You Wouldn't Want to Sail with Christopher Columbus!
You Wouldn't Want to be a Pirate's Prisoner!
Columbus and/or The World of Columbus & Sons
Miracle: The True Story of the Wreck of the Sea Venture
The Tempest
You Wouldn't Want to Sail on the Mayflower!
Jamestown: New World Adventure
Sarah Morton's Day
Samuel Eaton's Day
Tapenum's Day
You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Colonist!
Our Strange New Land (and maybe The Starving Time and Season of Promise)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Madeleine Takes Command

Project and Coloring Books/Other
Time Travelers CDs, New World Explorers and Colonial Life
Hands-on History: Vikings
Easy Make-&-Learn Projects: Colonial America
Interactive 3D Maps: American History
Story of the Vikings (Coloring Book)
Norse Gods & Goddesses (Coloring Book)
Indian Tribes of North America (Coloring Book)
Exploration of North America (Coloring Book)
Life in Colonial America (Coloring Book)

FOR VOLUME 2, Revolutionary Times


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    We are starting early American history in our 2010-2011 school year ("third grade"), as we follow the TWTM cycle too.

    So thanks for this list! It is getting printed and added to my planning pile!

  2. Great list! I've been thinking about our kindergarten curriculum (coming up this year)...and of course, every year after!

    I've decided I am going to buy the DK books, Prehistory & History: The Definitive Visual Guides and use them as my guides for studying the history of our world. Then, I'm going to seek out texts to go along with each era--and I have a feeling I'll revisit your blog a lot because you have graciously done all the legwork! :)

    Your love of homeschooling really shows in all of the work you put into your curriculum planning--your little ones are lucky to have such a devoted mama!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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