
Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall Reading...

It is time for the Fall Into Reading Challenge 2010! I like challenging myself to read new books, and maybe a few old favorites.

My list...
Other than that, I have reading for college too, hence the fairly short list above!

Read-alouds for the children... History
Either Lang's or Green's King Arthur (if the kids are fascinated enough by the above books)

If we still have time after that (and before Dec 20 when this reading challenge ends), we'll add in:

Otherwise, we'll just get to those after the winter break.

I also read general good books to the kids. For fall, we're reading The Borrowers series, then we'll read A Christmas Carol in December. If we have time, we'll read The Princess and the Goblin. We're also reading The Burgess Bird Book for Children. And we read little, short books too.

Yes, we read too much! (is there such a thing????)


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I love your list; such an interesting period in history! Medieval times definitely capture the imagination, don't they?

  2. NO such things as too much reading. Great lists!

  3. Oops. I didn't mean to shout that "no" above. Or type things. Wow, what a mess of a comment that is.

  4. Great lists for you and the kids. Happy reading.


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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