
Friday, April 15, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up... A theater-packed week...

This week has somehow been about one stage show after another! Tuesday, we took my mom with us to see The Mystery of King Tut. It was... interesting. There were funny parts, and a few good historical references, but overall fairly historically inaccurate. But, key thing, the kids enjoyed it. I did like the inventiveness of the sets, which had to be changed quickly during the play ("school" shows are limited to one hour.)

Today we saw an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, which was quite creative, since they had to basically condense the story (again, the time constraint.) Again, creative sets, and the music was decent. The kids laughed a lot, which I took as a good sign. Cassia says she still prefers the movie version, and Cyrus wished it followed the book more closely, but both said they really liked it anyhow.

Tomorrow, Cassia and I have a girls' afternoon out, and another stage show. This time, it will be a ballet adaptation of Snow White that one of Cassia's friends is dancing in. Cyrus will enjoy a guys' afternoon at home with his dad.

As mentioned in last night's post, they have worked on developing alphabet books this week, which will be used in an actual classroom! They finished about 6 letters each, and sent the pages in to be reviewed. After they get them back, they'll have another two weeks to finish them. Again, this is a unique opportunity my sister offered as part of her special ed credentialing.

We really haven't done much history this week, besides a very interesting conversation about King Tut. And in science, we have been reading, and very, very much enjoying, George's Secret Key to the Universe (and some more about ants in The Story Book of Science.) George's Secret Key is a great fit right now because we'll be studying the Big Bang (history and science) over the next couple of weeks, and the life cycle of stars has already been covered in this book.

Other than that, the kids have been enjoying the usual - chess, Old Maid, Go Fish, a few TV shows here and there, stories... Cassia and I read Katie & the Mona Lisa, as well as Olivia Goes to Venice, and Cyrus is reading The Last Olympian. We're off to the park shortly if the weather holds out. Have a good weekend!


  1. We loved reading about ants in The Storybook of Science. My kids still remember those ants milking aphids and it has been years. LOL.

    Sounds like you have a wonderful week. I'm jealous of your getting out and about. I've been stuck in the house without a car all week. AGHGHGH.

  2. I'm considering Teaching Textbooks also for my future 7th grader. So far we've been using Time4Learning math and she likes the computer format quite a lot.

  3. Wow! This was a theatre filled week. Looks like a great week!


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