
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Flowers, fruit, and curtains...

My white dahlias

The yarrow has come back nicely

Cassia's fairy foxgloves

The lavender bushes are probably four feet across right now

Loads of fresh strawberries this year

A melon blossom

A baby Meyer lemon

My white marigolds (though I would call them more ivory than white)

Our state flower, of which we have plenty

Cyrus's dahlias are in full bloom

The hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers

As are the abultilon

Someday this will be a lemon too

And last but not least, my lovely new living room curtains! I need to take them down and iron them, but had to see how they looked. The old ones, that came with the house, were brown kind-of-tweedy-wanna-be looking stuff.

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