
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bits of happiness...

I have planned, very loosely, for next year.

I'll get to keep my web site work for the company I currently work for, as an independent contractor.

I'm getting some more papers to read/grade.

Less time on the computer, and having the kids in front of the TV, has equaled more reading, the housework getting done more regularly, and a calmer atmosphere in our home.

We had a great day of homeschooling yesterday! Cassia worked on place value, and showed me a hundred chart she made all on her own at my mom's house. She read three letter blends (second section of Phonics Pathways) and did her copywork, plus then re-did the copywork and changed it slightly to make me a little gift! Cyrus worked on fractions and division, wrote some silly sentences for spelling, did some copywork as well, and finished The Flight of the Phoenix.

We read about Niagara Falls in Richard Halliburton's Book of Marvels (geography), watched a documentary called Birds of the Gods (science), and enjoyed three more chapters in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We went for a walk (PE) and admired the red clover coming up by the wayside.

I finished reading The Red Tent, which someone had recommended to me ages ago. Very good book. Now I'm reading Pilate's Wife, which is promising so far! It reminds me slightly of a couple of Marian Zimmer Bradley's Avalon books in tone and setting. I put The Read Aloud Handbook on hold at the library, and am looking forward to that. I also need to read The Unbearable Lightness of Being for my reader/grader work.

Today... more reading, math, spelling, phonics, and copywork. Soup for dinner. Piano practice will happen, at least once (he loves his piano!)

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