
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ahoy there!

Inspired by listening to Peter Pan on audio book, we are launching into a study of pirates, with books, movies, and documentaries...

In addition to reading the pirate sections in The Dangerous Book for Boys and The Daring Book for Girls, I found these books at the library:


I also have Treasure Island on my Kindle, which I think the kids are old enough to enjoy!

There are a ton of documentaries out there, many available through Netflix. So I culled the list down a bit, and we're going to try these:


And no pirate study would be complete without movies!


We are pretty excited about this study, more so than I think we have been in a while! I'm keeping it pretty low key, believe it or not with the resources above, by NOT adding in tons of extra activities. I figure we'll read a chapter or two a day from one of the books, read Treasure Island a chapter or two at a time, watch a documentary each week, and enjoy the movies on our family movie nights. Nothing spectacular... just fun exploration of a topic!

And then I realized I never posted pictures from the pirate ship (aka Tall Ship)  tour that we took. 

By the way, this ship was The Interceptor in Pirates of the Caribbean! Pretty cool, huh?

And so we set sail...


  1. We love a good pirate movie around here! You guys will be having a lot of you just need to rename the snacks so you can ask each other to pass the "Blackbeard's bottoms-up [drink]", etc. while watching :)


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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