
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our family of pets grew... Updated...

We have five new additions to the family... chickens!

Their names/types are: Selena, an Ameraucana; Aphrodite, a Plymouth/Barred Rock; Matilda, a Golden Sex Link; Sequin, a Rhode Island Red; and PolkaDot, another Plymouth/Barred Rock. We are raising them for eggs, not meat. Three of them are already egg layers, and the other two should be laying in the next few weeks. Of course, they may take a brief break from laying, due to having to settle in their new home.

Anyhow, we are all very excited about this--we've been talking about it for almost 5 years!The kids helped build the new hutch and some nesting boxes, as well as a roost. Tomorrow we're finishing fencing off the garden area so they can run around in there as well. I think in addition to delicious and healthy eggs, it'll be a great learning experience for the kids!


  1. Raising chickens is such a wonderful experience. We also have egg layers. We started with 6 two years ago and have now worked our way up to 20 with 7 babies hatching a couple of months ago.

  2. That's so great! We're hoping to have some chickens after our next move to an even more rural area.

  3. Awesome! We love our chickens.Your kids will have a blast with them.

  4. We have absolutely loved having chickens running around our yard over the years. They are just so fun to watch! We always had Buff Orpingtons for layers as they overwinter well here, and they are an extremely friendly breed. I have some old posts about our chickens under the Pets category on my blog. Have fun!!

  5. Wonderful--I've always wanted chickens!

  6. So cool...the entire process. I have heard from everyone I know who has chickens that it's a great experience. We don't have the energy right now, but maybe one day...

    Sorry I haven't checked into your blog are inspiring as always and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos of C's roller derby debut!


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