
Monday, July 30, 2012

Mondays Musings... The End is Near...

The end of my summer vacation, that is! I go back to work one day this week, two days next week, and then five regular days the week after that. So in the meantime, I want to get as much summer in as possible! I'm sure we'll still be enjoying summer right up to the actual end of it, but while I have some time off, I need to make the most of it. I also head back to school in a few weeks. I have the gigantor book list to read, about half each semester, and I might be taking a poetry workshop, along with the basic seminar all English majors have to take.

Some ideas, though we probably won't get to all of this...

~ Another pool trip or two with friends

~ A visit, or two, or three, to the coast

~ Some stargazing out back with the telescope (I know we could do this anytime, but it is especially fun when they can stay up late!)

~ Another hike or two

~ Some sewing at my mom's house - I was supposed to have sewing lessons with her this summer, but so far it just hasn't happened. I do have one session scheduled for tomorrow!

I know I should be cleaning house, getting organized for fall, and so on and so forth, but that stuff isn't going to be the highlight of my kids' summer!

I changed things up around here a little yesterday. I took down the chore charts, which were simply gathering dust, and put up instead a list of rules. Now I don't know if you have household rules, but I find it very useful to have them spelled out, and where the kids can easily refer to them. Most of it is pretty simple stuff... like clearing your own dishes after a meal, and limits on screen time. More along the lines of gentle reminders than harsh rules. And you know what? I read it to them first thing in the morning. I saw them both checking it out during the day, The Girl getting help from The Boy with some of the reading. And a large part of it probably was the novelty, but it was a good day! Even the kids noticed... as I was tucking them into bed last night, The Girl told me it was a really good day, and she wants more like that! Sweet, huh?

We also finally got a firm date for BIL moving all his belongings out. He'll be done moving by September 1st. the kids are so excited to be getting their own rooms at last! So that will be September's primary project.

I'm also thinking that I've done it again... overloaded us for the upcoming year. I need to cut it back a bit. I really want to allow for rabbit trails, exploration, etc., as I wrote here a couple of years ago. Potentially on the chopping block? The Narnia study. As much fun as it could be, doing it would put limits on other things. hmmmm.... this may take some thinking.

Enough rambling for now. Have a good week!


  1. I'm pretty sure I've overloaded us too:). I can't help thinking I'm going to have all this time and I get very excited and plan too much stuff, only to realize there aren't nearly enough hours in the day! Happens every year, I never learn;). Thanks for the recipe link!We'll be trying it out.

  2. Wow, I love that telecope-viewing photo! Great shot!

    How wonderful that your kids will gain a room! That must have been really hard to work around.


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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