
Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Musings... Another Week...

I'm a bit apprehensive this week, since I am starting grad school tomorrow! In the meantime, I am creating a menu plan for the week, writing a grocery list, and getting some nitty-gritty details down for our official homeschool year, which starts in only two weeks! And I'll admit, I'm reading through a lot of "junk" fiction (you know, what Charlotte Mason would call "twaddle") before I have to tackle this list.

On the agenda for the week...
* Roller derby for Cassia
* Getting piano lessons set up for September
* Back to menu planning and more careful grocery shopping
* Waiting on books and science supplies to arrive
* Making sure over the next couple of weeks that I have everything in place for homeschooling this fall - books in the book basket, appropriate things placed on hold at the library, etc.
* Maybe: swimming with friends again
* Getting all the apparatus removed from M's arm!!! (tomorrow!)
* Cleaning, sorting, decluttering
* Finishing up the very last chapter of Smoky House, then starting The Marvelous Land of Oz for bedtime reading
* Keep working on establishing routine!

Should be a good week, albeit a fairly busy one! I hope everyone else has a good week too!


  1. Woohoo! Good luck tomorrow! So exciting!!!!!

    The other stuff can probably wait a few days until your head stops spinning. :)

  2. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! :)

    I've been sequestered for a while now -- doing an entire flip flop of Second Grade! I'll catch you up (eventually)!

    Have fun on your first day--and best wishes to M for his apparatus removal!

  3. The beauty of homeschooling is your schedule is yours, not what someone else sets for you. Soon enough your science books will be in and your kids will be off and running.

    I changed some of our stuff around this year too. Our core is already planned for us, Time4Learning Online Curriculum, but I added some new supplements. I keep a spreadsheet lesson plan & schedule at Google Docs to keep me on track.

    Best wishes for a wonderful back to school year.

    Jackie, a blogging homeschool Mom who believes the way to get ahead is to build vocabulary skills.

  4. Best of luck to you!!!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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