
Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Cowboy Story by The Boy...

I handed The Boy the book Unjournaling earlier this week, and asked him to choose a writing prompt, and to write for at least 10 minutes. He ended up writing for almost 20 minutes, so that he could finish his story. I have corrected the spelling errors to make it more readable, but the words are all his!

First, the prompt:
A bad dude in a cowboy hat is walking into a saloon in a bad Western movie. He's looking mad and dangerous. Tell what happens, creating a happy ending. (note: I'm not sure The Boy's ending is exactly happy, but hey, he wrote a story!)

The Story
A thief called The Hat Smuggler walked into a saloon one day, hoping to get some new hats, and he pulled out his gun and said "Stick 'em up and gimme your hats!" Everyone stuck up their hands, not wanting to get shot. "Gimme your hat!" he said, pointing to an old man with a handlebar moustache. The old man, named Bert, said "How can I get me hat off my head if me hands are above me head?" The Hat Smuggler, named Daveed, ripped Bert's hat off, crumpled it, and threw it at the old man. Daveed pulled out his gun and shot. But it backfired, and killed the Hat Smuggler, and so everybody got to keep their hats. The end.


  1. Nice! I love any story that involves a handlebar mustache. :)

  2. Agreeing with Jessica - I think the handlebar moustache as a descriptive touch makes the whole story!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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