
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Putting it Together: Science

There are so many resources I love, and I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how to put them all together. I think I might be on to something here, at long last!

1. I am working on a giant checklist, using Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, all three volumes. As we go through everything else, I can use this checklist to make sure we cover plenty of scientific territory. And I can always add in a trade book or two if we miss something!

2. I am working on compiling a list of books I would love to read for science. Some of those titles are:
3. Then I can use the Prentice Hall Science Explorer textbooks I bought for support. These have units on a myriad of subjects, along with cross-curricular activities and hands-on experiments.

4. And of course, there is always a place in our hearts for documentaries!

I think this might work because it balances my unschooly AND schooly desires, AND I can let the kids choose which book/subject we study next! We can cover a large number of topics this way, read some really good books, and still not have a formal curriculum that spells out each day's activities.

Next on the agenda: Putting it Together: History. And I'm working on a list of mathy books to add to the Afternoon Basket. I'd love to finish String, Straightedge & Shadow one of these days!

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