
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Good Geography Find!

I found this book at the library, when I was searching for a general overview of Europe...

And I have to say I am very pleased with it! (You can see a bit of the book here.) I wish we had known about this series when we were studying Africa. It is clearly written, not so long that we don't have room for anything additional, fairly well up to date, etc. Anyhow, I then discovered that there were more in the series, so I plan to use the following titles as well...

Then, I found out that in addition to Wild China, Wild Africa, and Wild South America, there are a number of other titles that will fit in with our studies! Wild India - Land of the Tiger (unfortunately not available at the moment), Wild Caribbean, and Wild Pacific/South Pacific are among the titles I'd love to add to our watchlist. Maybe through interlibrary loan?

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