
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

School's Out for Summer!

Well, sort of. We still have a lot going on! Both kids have come up with some plans for their summer months...

The Boy:

Finish reading

And then read

[I love Edward Gorey's art....]

Take a four hour (free at the library) class on

Go to a car show or two with his best buddy

Take another workshop at the library on printing with a

And then there is The Girl

She gets a couple of library workshops with friends too...

And she has fallen in love with a book...
To be followed by ???

And of course there will be beach days

And river-swimming days

And hiking

Movies, a few good books (we're planning to read Holes next -- I understand it is very good, and we enjoyed the movie!), a few random field trips to be determined, some general laziness when we're not doing yard work, or home repairs. They're keeping up with their math over summer as well, but are off of all other "official" homeschooling until fall!

 I'm also planning to read some "unschooling" books from the library, among them HomeGrown: Adventures in Parenting Off the Beaten Path, Unschooling, & Reconnecting with the Natural World; And the Children Played; and a couple of David Albert's books.

Do you have any fun summer plans? I did read this great blog post yesterday, which got me thinking about little ways to add some fun.

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