
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The Boy is wrapping up his first semester at the junior college today. It's been a fabulous experience for him, almost effortless in some ways, and full of work in others. He's been elated, exhausted, enthusiastic, overloaded... and he loves it.

We had our end-of-semester check-in yesterday while driving around town on errands, and here's the plan for spring:

At the junior college:
Stellar Astronomy
Intro to Engineering

At home:
Continue with (and pick up the pace!) Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1
Complete The Lively Art of Writing
Listen in on good books, read some good books
Study, somewhat loosely, ancient-modern South Asia, and then Asia

And that's it. That's our plan for the rest of ninth grade. I'm happy with it, he's happy with it. He wants time to get back to fencing at least once a week, and to draw, read, follow some interests...

The Girl and I also had our planning meeting, albeit a shorter one. And here are her plans:

Continue with (and pick up the pace) Math Essentials
Daily spelling practice with a Scholastic book I have and Spelling City activities
Possibly return to Junior English (I think she's ready)
I'm going to have her try Dinosaur Paleobiology through Coursera (might skip unit tests) 
Listen in on good books, read some good books
Study, somewhat loosely, ancient-modern South Asia, and then Asia

We're actually going to be doing math over winter break to help catch up. We've gotten so far behind! And we need to catch up on our literature.

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