
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Putting My Foot Down...

In the interest of actually making progress this spring, I am putting my foot down, laying down the law, making a stand... whatever you want to call it! I am purposefully trying to keep the scheduling very, very simple, and allowing for super-jam-packed-bare-minimum days.

image courtesy of

Our school days:
Sunday (half-full day)
Monday (bare minimum)
Tuesday (full day)
Wednesday (bare minimum)
Thursday (full day)
Friday & Saturday: catch-up/make-up

On a full day, we will do:
Language Arts
Read aloud from the Afternoon Basket
Documentary or Downton Abbey

On a shorter day, we will do:
 Language Arts
And as time allows, read aloud from the Afternoon Basket

And on a bare-minimum day, we will do:

Basically, my goals for each week are as follows:
Five math lessons per child
One Lively Art of Writing lesson (The Boy) / One spelling lesson (The Girl)
At least five chapters per week from our lit choice
One science project/observation each week
At least two chapters from our history read aloud each week
At least one chapter each from other rotational readings

I am hoping this is doable. I'd love to actually feel like we are really moving forward.

Now, having planned all that, I will say the most important things to me are (in order from most to slightly less important) MATH, LANGUAGE ARTS, LITERATURE

Everything else is just gravy!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds great! You're still accomplishing your goals but without losing your mind :)


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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