
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday Thoughts... Ideas for Fall...

I'm thinking about next year. Just a little this time, no elaborate planning. I know there are some programs we plan to continue, and I have some ideas for other subjects (naturally. I mean, would I not have ideas?)

image courtesy of

...To Finish this Spring...

The Girl's current spelling program

...To Be Continued...

TabletClass Algebra 1, moving up to Geometry as soon as The Boy is ready

Math Essentials backed up with Math Mammoth
as needed (moving up a level in each when The Girl is ready)

...And Possibilities...

Continue with modern world history through shows/documentaries/movies/books
Science as interest led or ???

Actually go through the Big History Project, at least with The Boy, and then, for the Girl, either the history or fairy tale project
Science to go with the Big History Project, or biology, or ???

A year of world cultures and geography, along the same lines as our Downton study, but based off something along the lines of Human Planet
 Science as interest led or ??? 

Focus on science for a year instead of history 

Or the kids might want to choose another time-frame to investigate. Or we might do a book/literature study. Or The Boy might be at the junior college again. Or...............

We will have to wait and see!

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