
Friday, February 16, 2007

Always something going on...

We’ve been busy, busy, busy, as usual. This week we had our 4-H meeting on Tuesday (C.O. is now officially a member), where we listened to reports and did a community service project (cookies for a soup kitchen). C.O was asked to go up in front of everyone to help give a report on the Lego Engineering project – poor boy couldn’t think of a thing to say! Nonetheless, I congratulated him for just going up there, as did some of the other moms. I know how hard it is to speak in front of people – I still have a hard time with it! He is now designing a poster for the upcoming 4-H fundraiser, and I think he stands a good chance of winning in his age division!

Wednesday was a little quieter – we spent a lot of the afternoon reading our library stash, going to the grocery store, and so forth.

Yesterday C.J. was invited to be a buddy at a gymnastics class, so off we went to that. The kids played all afternoon and had loads of fun – it is always hard separating them from their friends at the end of the afternoon! I had an upset stomach yesterday, and C.J. got carsick on the way there, but was fine after a few minutes at her friend’s house. Yesterday they also told me, for the first time, that they miss gymnastics, so I need to contact the place we go to get them back in. I think I’ll wait though until after C.J.’s birthday next month, because then she can go to a class at the same time as her brother, which will make things so much easier!

Strangest thing happened after picking up M and getting home – as I mentioned I had an unhappy tummy, so I didn’t eat anything at lunch, and otherwise felt pretty much okay. But, about an hour after getting home, I started shaking, and I got the chills really badly, an immense headache came on very, very rapidly, I got very queasy and felt in general like my skin was on fire! So M sent me to bed at about 6, and I slept all the way through until my alarm went off at 7 this morning. Now I feel fine! I’m glad it passed – we have more to do today, and I didn’t want to be passing something on to another family!

Today we have Lego Engineering. C.O. is going to build something at my mom’s house for show-and-tell before I pick him up after work. They get to see their friends again, which they are both very excited about (in fact, that was the only reason I didn't have more trouble getting them to leave yesterday!).

School-wise, we’ve been taking it a little slow this week. At most, we’ve done 2 lessons on any given day, such as a page of math and a page of reading exercises. I am still trying to find that magical balance point between too much school work and too little; hoping to get it right sometime this year so I am better prepared for next year!

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