
Monday, February 12, 2007

Well, that's out of the question...

Turns out that every low-income place around here has a strict no-pets policy. Sorry, but our pets are part of our family, so obviously that won't work. Maybe it's a sign from the universe? After looking at some of those places, I honestly can't picture us in them anyway. The nicest looking ones (kind of town-home style with tiny yards) are in the middle of what looks like an industrial wasteland. So, we'll just go on a month-to-month lease here until we find the right place. M is already looking at picking up some more hours at work, and may be getting his first raise within a matter of weeks, since his boss adores him already. I am also overdue for a raise at work, and actually coming up on when I'm supposed to get a second raise!

Definately enjoying my 3 day weekend #1. As of now, I have already done a load of laundry and a big load of dishes, made a batch of awesome oatmeal-blueberry-banana muffins, taken M to work, gotten gas and gone to Trader Joe's for a few things. The kids are sitting on the living room floor coloring while I type, and we are listening to "The Planets" by Gustav Holst. The cat is in my lap, the dog on my foot, and I have a big mug of hot green tea to sip. Perfect for this rainy grey day! After I finish on here I'm cleaning the living room, and then we'll do a couple of lessons, and then make cookies for a community project we're involved in through 4-H.

1 comment:

  1. i hate that pets are seen as a high income luxury. you'll find a place.


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