...Outside My Window...
It's been gorgeous here lately, though quite warm, with the last few days in the 80s! It is supposed to cool back down to the 70s tomorrow, and there might be some rain by the weekend. The dryness, and high pollen counts, have got The Boy in constant allergy agony, so we're going to try switching allergy meds, and taking him in for allergy testing. Poor kid.
With such clear skies though, we have seen plenty of these!
...In My Yard...
I spent the late morning/early afternoon yesterday weeding, and relocating some lamb's ear. I also finally got a gift of
daylilies situated too, as well as the tiny
euphorbia my mom found next to her big one, and gave to me.. M's been trying to keep up with rapidly growing grass in both the front and backyards, but with the rain, then warmth, then rain, then warmth... the stuff is growing like crazy!
...In the House and Kitchen...
I've been getting bits of the house deeply (spring) cleaned... a little at a time. I'll get it done yet! And the kids are working on choosing paint colors for their rooms for this summer's big project (besides the bathroom plumbing).
I'm getting better at planning ahead food-wise. I cook several breakfast items ahead for the kids to pick and choose from, and then they add fruit, tea, etc., and I pack my own snacks/lunch the night before. On the dinner menu this week are: turkey burgers; roasted chicken; quesadillas made with leftover roasted chicken; and probably
this awesome casserole from Kalyn's Kitchen.
...In Our Homeschooling...
The Boy is starting chapter three in algebra this week, after doing very well on his end-of-chapter 2 test last week. The Girl is working on multiplication more in-depth, because fluency with it will only help her as she moves along.
In language arts, I really need to get The Boy working on his expository essay! The Girl did another 3 lessons in Spelling Workout, and will do more this week. I am also hoping to have each of them memorize a poem by the end of April (free choice of poets and pieces), and maybe do a freewrite this week.
...Reading and Watching...
A Wind in the Door is going well, though we're only a couple of chapters in so far.
The Afternoon Basket is high up on my to-do list this week! On their own, they are continuing with
The Martian and
Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone. I just finished a very odd and intriguing page-turner..
The Children's Home. The Boy wants to read it when he finishes his current book, so we'll switch at that point.
We watched another few episodes of Downton Abbey, and will watch another couple this week. I'd really like to get in another episode of Human Planet as well. And we've been enjoying the end of Once Upon a Time's season three!
...On the Agenda...
For me, running and weight training, plus introductory karate tomorrow night. I tried, and loved, TRX resistance training over the weekend, so I really want to do more of that!
The kids have parkour/roller derby, afternoon skating tomorrow, and maybe (just maybe) a fencing session this week.
Other than that, my class was cancelled today (phew!). I do have tutoring tomorrow, and office hours at the junior college on Wednesday. So altogether, it is a lighter week than usual!
I'll leave you with The Girl's last puppy petting session for the "R" litter. The "S" litter is due in early May, so we should be playing with puppies by mid-late May!
Have a great week!!!