
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. ~ Adlai Stevenson

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Most of a day off...

I decided this morning that we'd take today off, mostly. Elf did have Spanish (45 minutes) and Art (40 minutes) at the charter school today, and Fairy and I spent that time going to Whole Foods, the bank and the library (where we read books but did not check any out due to the astronomical amount of money I owe them), so I am counting all that as school for today. Especially since we are right on target (or ahead of) the goals the IST and I made for this month. We had a meeting (before classes and library time) with Elf's IST, where we went over his journal work, his finally finished writing sample, our history studies, math samples, and science. Plus, Elf read My Monster and Me aloud. He is so much more confident with his reading so far this year! This also means that he gets to color another segment on his bookworm reading chart.

On the homefront, I think we're getting somewhere with all the unpacking. Yes, we still have stuff to unpack, but most of that has been placed in the garage for now, and what is in the house is where we want it, for the most part. I need to make time to sew the kids curtains soon, since my mom now has the fabric on hand. I also want to sew curtains for the other rooms, but those can come later, as can painting. I am still trying to get accustomed to the fact that we own this house, we're not just tenants. I find myself thinking "well, someday we'll own a home". Duh. When does the unbelievability (is that even a word?) wear off? On a positive note, I am doing much better with my daily household chores here! Maybe it's having the space to put things away, maybe it's just the home ownership pride thing... but whatever it is, I am glad I'm keeping up with it. BTW, Jenny, what are you guys doing the week before Halloween? Maybe a Wednesday or Friday (pre-park time) lunch?

I am still waiting to hear from the other grocery store and will give them a call tomorrow to check in, since I am really hoping this will work out. The current grocery store manager is really giving me a hard time regarding my unavailable days, and so far we haven't made it to 4H at all because I am always working during meetings. We may have to just not do 4H right now. Aaaarggghhh! Well, it's always something, and overall things are good, so no more complaints for now about evil corporate grocery stores!


  1. LOL, evil corporate grocery stores.

    I have to be in SR to be fingerprinted that Wed at 1:00. I guess we could do an early lunch that day or we're free all day Friday. But we'd love to get together. We've been missing you guys.

  2. Oh, I also wanted to say that we've been in this house for 3 years, this November, and still have 100% white walls, lol. We did finally replace the cheap white mini-blinds that screamed "This is a rental!" in the living and dining rooms with nice mahogany-stained hardwood ones and replaced a light switch plate in the bathroom, but that's all the decorating we've done. It's on my list, lol. It's somewhere after keeping the house clean for more than one week at a time. ;)


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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