They miss Fred. I miss Fred. Fred made math fun, and interesting. I think we might shift back toward Fred.
IF we were to do this, I think I would have The Girl start with Edgewood, and go forward from there. I would have The Boy start with Fractions, followed by Decimals & Percents, and then start Pre-Algebra 1 with Biology*
(*people I know who have used these books say that Elementary Physics really should come after both Pre-Algebra books, so I'm taking their word for it)
I've read many testimonials of people who swear this gives their kids a good, solid math education. And I like that the series makes kids think... it is not just page after page of rote mathematics.
Hmmmmmmmm..... that would give us more time for Family Math and Family Math: The Middle School Years, and reading living math books... after all, I really do want to read through this book (and a few others) with the kids at some point!
In the meantime, I think we'll play around with this, yet another math book I have had sitting on the shelf, unused.
Tis' the season for being indecisive about which materials to use. Good luck with your decisions!