
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. ~ Adlai Stevenson

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sort of a weekly wrap-up...

It's been a good, mostly relaxed, week. I actually had 4 days off this week (well, three whole days and 2 half days) so that really helped.

So far, the Elf & the Fairy are enjoying their summer break. They have been playing outside a lot, and both are turning a lovely shade of golden brown with rosy cheeks. Fairy's hair is getting lots of pretty blond streaks too. They have made a number of Lego contraptions this week; helped me weed the veggie garden; helped sort out toys in our garage-turned-play-&-school-room; decided (definately) on paint colors & a scheme for their bedroom; helped their Nonna with household packing (she's moving soon!); assisted in mopping the kitchen; spent hours digging holes in the yard (thankfully in the holes-allowed area); and generally kept themselves quite amused. I have found too that given enough cartoons, they want something different, so today is all about How It's Made.

Next week's goal - measure out and start building a nice big sandbox. I got all the wood for free (thank you W!), so I need to figure out exactly how I am building it, and get started. We also need to put in more tomato cages, as our many tomato plants are growing like crazy. Work on the garage-turned-play-&-school-room will continue as well.

Today, by the way, is a very important one - M is FORTY today! He says he's old, but I beg to differ. Old is 80, not 40. To celebrate, we are headed out to brunch, and then hiking, plus I have a special dinner planned for this evening. So, happy, happy, happy birthday to my dh!

P.S. Here is a very interesting link to a great essay/article on math... Lockhart's Lament. Much as I personally dislike math, once I started reading this article, I couldn't stop!


  1. Happy birthday to your dh. Mine just turned 43! I love your blog header and the "names" of your children.


  2. Happy bday to M! Happy warm wishes from the homeschooling world. :)

    40's not old at all. My DH is turning 38 on Monday, and he's so bummed about it, though. Sig.


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