
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. ~ Adlai Stevenson

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Doing a Happy Dance...

Yes, I was literally doing a happy dance in the kitchen yesterday, albeit a quiet one so I didn't disturb the wonderful activity going on in another room. And why was I doing this happy dance? I'll give you a hint...

This is something I was despairing of ever getting to see. If you remember back, we have been through endless frustrations with reading, including that she just did not want to read (here, and here) -- zip, zero, zilch interest in reading -- an attitude that has been plaguing me for some time, as you can see from the dates of the linked posts. I realize now of course that much of that attitude was wrapped up in her dyslexia, something that made her feel she couldn't read.

Anyhow, I digress from the happiness! Yesterday, she asked me if she could read a book to herself (I won't name it because she's embarrassed it is "such a little kid book"... her words, not mine). She read for about half an hour. And then she came out to the kitchen and told me "Reading is more fun than I thought it was. What can I read next? Can I read Charlotte's Web soon? I want something a little easier first though."

So I was casting around in my mind for something "a little easier", something to get her hooked on chapter books, and I realized that out in the garage, I have a rather large collection of Magic Treehouse books from The Boy's early childhood. I'm pulling them out today, as The Girl is excited by the title of the first one -- Dinosaurs Before Dark. She does love dinosaurs!

We talked in the car on the way to pick The Boy up from fencing last night, and she's also looking forward to reading the Pippi Longstocking books, and the original Oz series. And no, I am not going to push this on her. I will give her the time and the books, but I don't want to shove reading down her throat. This is a fragile new state we're finding ourselves in, and I want her to enjoy reading, not feel pushed into it.

For now, I am totally satisfied, beyond satisfied (maybe ecstatic is a better word?) with the words  

"Reading is more fun than I thought it was. What can I read next?"

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome post! Yay for both of you!


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