
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. ~ Adlai Stevenson

Monday, March 29, 2010

A lack of structure...

totally does not work for us. I gave the kids today off from all structure, responsibility, etc., and what a day! The fighting, bickering, whining.... On a whining sidenote, why do I now have to sign in to Blogger every time I want to post, even when I check the "Remember Me" box? Anyhow, so we are going back to some sort of structure tomorrow. We have a loose plan for the day, which involves cleaning the kids room (at least a little), roller skating, treadmill time (for me), and trying to finish Despereaux, which is now very overdue at the library. Oh, and vacuuming the living room. Lofty plans, I know!

And speaking of the library, I placed a couple of books on hold for our upcoming skeleton studies:
Dem Bones
The Skeleton Inside You
We have plans to start on our paper skeleton models from The Body Book in the next couple of weeks, after finishing reading Crust & Spray: Gross Stuff in Your Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, alongside of which we are making paper models of the eye and ear.

Other than that, it has been a grey, drizzly day, and a bit of a grumpy one. I have to go get ready for work now.


  1. Hi! This is the first time I have stopped by your blog. I love the background on your blog! Lack of structure doesn't work well for our family either. :)


  2. I understand what you're saying, but don't write the idea off permanently. We went the other direction a few months ago -- towards structure for the first time ever. After the first day, with a 13-year-old crying his eyes out, a 16-year-old not speaking to me, an 11-year-old rolling her eyes and a 7-year-old complaining about all the time the management of the older kids was taking away from what I could do with her, I would have said it was awful. But we had committed to a 10-day trial and by the end of ten days everyone was cautiously saying "I can't believe it, but I think there are actually things I like about this."

    I think that if you really wanted to dispense with structure you'd need to do it collaboratively and with a much longer-term trial. A one day experiment wouldn't tell you anything. Changes take time.

    Not that I think there's any need to give up structure that's working for you. I just don't think you can say that a lack of structure totally could not work for you after one day.

    The problem with Blogger sounds like a browser issue to me -- your browser might be tossing its cookies when you close it. Have you increased your security settings or upgraded your browser recently? You might need to tweak something there.

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The same thing happens here! Without structure, we BOTH whine. In fact, after a week or 2 of a break, there is plenty of whining trying to get back into a routine. *sigh*


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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