
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. ~ Adlai Stevenson

Thursday, September 7, 2006

I can't wait for it to all slow down...

Okay, two jobs, college, homeschooling and soccer is officially too much. Only one week to go though, and some of the craziness (i.e. the second job) will be at an end. My new job is going really well - I've settled into most of my obligations (prefer that to the word "duties"), and am getting familiar with how things work there.

Had my first official meeting with C.O.'s teacher/assistant this week - go to A Homeschool For Two if you're interested in reading more about that. He's had two actual soccer games now, and stayed much more focused at the second one. Even his coach noticed! I think the problem with the first one was a lack of understanding of the game on C.O.'s part, but we (M & I) did some one-on-one practice with him, which seems to have helped.

I have gotten nearly all of the kids winter clothes shopping done! Most of it is second-hand, EBay stuff (some is new), but it's all nice, and I have spent less than $75 fitting them both out for the months ahead. For example, I got C.O a corduroy coat for under $5 with shipping, and two pairs of brand-new Carhartts pants for less than $10, again with shipping. I am still searching for some more pants for C.J., and a few more long-sleeved t-shirts for both. I did a little shopping for myself off the clearance racks - some cargo-type pants, and 3 t-shirts, all long-sleeved. One of the benefits of my new job versus the American Heart Association is that the clothing guidelines are nowhere near as formal and strict, so I can get away with cargo pants, t-shirts, and even my old Docs, as long as I look presentable, clean and tidy! Nice t-shirts by the way, nothing with graphics, tears, stains... the ones I got are plain, jewel-toned ones. Plus I have cool jewelery to dress them up with!

Besides that, school is going well so far. I get to learn about pond turtles next Friday. I found my old little tape recorder so that I can record the lectures before trying to write a paper. I missed one English Lit class, so now I have make-up work to do, but maybe over the weekend.

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