
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. ~ Adlai Stevenson

Monday, July 16, 2007

Friday the 13th isn't such bad luck afterall...

We're in escrow. OMG OMG OMG. This is actually almost as frightening as having kids (the responsibility that is, not actually having the kids). Our offer was countered a bit, but we accepted it, the counter got ratified, we've ordered our home inspection..... yikes! Friday the 13th turned out to be a great day for us this time!

I have to post regarding a certain comment on my last post (well, okay, the only comment). Yes, I too can see how the flow of chronological history would work out better than unit studies. We can speed up or slow down, but with a unit study, you sometimes do so much preparation you feel kind of locked into it. Yes, I know it doesn't have to be that way, but sometimes it is. So I am back to the drawing board on history for fall, though I am heavily leaning toward just going with SOTW and seeing how it works out for us. I think it would also be fun for C.O. (and C.J.) to be learning about the same things as two of their favorite friends, even if not quite at the same time. I'm glad I don't have all these doubts about the math and language arts programs I'll be using! I also talked with M last night, and while he is still perfectly willing to handle a lot of the science, he may be working two jobs, or more hours at least, by fall (thanks to the home purchasing bit), so I think I'll remove that burden from his shoulders, although his input is welcome anytime!

In the meantime, I have 4 more weeks of work hell, and then I can go back to normal. Just 4 more weeks... the kids actually were crying the other night because they missed me so much lately, and that just about broke my heart. At least with the hours I'm working, I'll be able to cover my fair share of all the exciting closing costs.



  2. Wowza. Felicitaciones! (Congrats in Spanish, but I didn't want to be boring and type what Jenny already said in all caps. LOL)

    And I'm for chronological history, but, hey, if you find something else works for you, go with it. We do history chronologically, but that gets interrupted sometimes because of what comes up through independent reading. For example, we were studying ancient something and then Essie read about Martin Luther King Jr. in another book, so we took a break to learn about him. And we always interrupt history when it's Thanksgiving to study them folks. History, thank goodness, is sooo nice and flexible. Unlike math and grammar. : )

    Best to ya, G!


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